

Unveiling truth aka 'all that glitters'

Energy reading for January 2022

2022. január 17. - Balberie


(...) it's time to see beyond the adornments and probe underneath the surface. Learn to recognize the masks people wear and the motives underlying them. Imagine that all the glitter is gone. Would you still desire the object or person?

- Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid: All That Glitters - 

We are drifting somewhere between 2021 and 2022. Based on my own individual understanding, January is always some sort of 'transitional' state to be. We are not quite in the new, but not anymore in the past. What do I mean? According to the Gregorian Calendar, we enter the new year on the 1st January each year. However, this year the Chinese new year starts on the 3rd February 2022. So which one is the real new year? - you may ask yourself. Well...actually both are. I believe each year in between these periods we are 'stuck' in between the Sun and the Moon. It is simply because Gregorian is a Solar Calendar based the days it takes the Earth to revolve around the Sun, while the Chinese is a Lunisolar Calendar based astronomical observation of the Sun's longitude and the Moon's phases.

Let's face it, 2021 was a challenging year. The outcome was different for each and everyone of us, but it could have moved us out of our comfort zone. It was shifting you out of your old structures and belief system unapologetically. You may still feel the depths of lessons, you received. This is where the Moon affects us. According to Tarot, the Moon is symbolically responsible for our emotions, and fears. Everything that is deep within our emotional body. Most often than not, the Moon brings our deepest and darkest emotions to the surface.  
Meanwhile, the Sun is awakening and has started its preparations to welcome the new energies. It is already here with its new lessons and challenges. Our head might be still shaken from all the experiences we have been through in 2021, but the Sun is moving us forward and whispering us to look ahead. This is what it means to be in a 'transitional place'. Partially still in 2021, while partially already in 2022. 

So let's see briefly, what January has to tell us. In the past, you have received plenty of signs and messages to face reality. You may have been 'forced' to face yourself and the way you deceived your own reality. What seemed to be your home, turned out to be just an illusion of your mind. This was 2021 for many of us. In January, these energies have strengthened. If you missed your chance to confront the truth, January might be giving you further hardships to help you one last time before 2022 marches in with its 'All-or-Nothing' energy. 
If you have been considering to move on in any aspect of your life, this is your clue to do so. In January, you get the opportunity to realize where you have been lied to. The truth unveils and the deceptions are no longer affect you. There is something (or many) that seems all glittery from the outside, but rotten in the inside. Maybe you already know it, or maybe you are just about to face it. Whatever applies to you, know that all is well. Do not worry, how the situation unfolds. We are all individuals with different lifepaths. These unveiling might not be big things for some, while it might be lifechanging for others. It could also be that you are the one deceiving yourself by a bad habit of yours, you must leave behind. Take care!

Until next time, 

Used Oracle deck: 'All that glitters' from Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron Reid

Staying on course

Energy Reading via Tarot for December 2021

260126219_508765583412871_5945241657952728419_n.jpgPhotographed by Melinda Bálint from Vindart 

Ship's wheel: Staying on course 

It can be difficult to maintain your course in stormy waters, and requires holding the wheel steady. So it is in life also, when staying the course becomes important and you will need to be steady and calm simply to maintain your direction.

- Source: Symbolsage

This entire year was about 'change-adapt-overcome'. It was all about learning and gaining new skills. We were being tested on a multiple level such as our belief system, our determination, our dreams and desires, our behavioral patterns. By the end of the year, you might as well feel completely drained. You would be willing to do nearly anything just to stop the clock for a couple of hours, you may feel. There was a little bit of assertive energy with us in general all year around. You had not much time to rest, neither physically nor mentally or emotionally. The universe has sent your a millions of wake up calls. If you saw it, you got all the support to change. In case you missed the signs, do not worry. December is here to remind you of them all. 

In the last month of the year, we are being put on a trial. It always happens in December each year. We got back all years karmic lessons within a month. You will need a lot of focus, and plenty of trust in the universe, in your abilities. We got most of the answers throughout the year, so December is really some kind of 'repetition'. The universe is testing you, if you did the 'homework'. If not, there is no need to worry. There is going to be another year to learn all those you failed to do. If you paid attention and followed the instructions you got, you got rid of all of your assignments for this year.
'What do you mean by assignments?'- you may ask. Through one lifetime, our soul has a plan to work on different issues, different problems and difficulties. This is where your karma come to the picture. No, karma is not a bitch! Karma is actually neutral. It's not good and not bad. It is simply 'just' the consequences of our actions whether toward ourselves or someone else. So, you may want to review your deeds over 2021 (or perhaps even before). Our achievements are being scanned on 4 different levels: Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, Spiritually. 

This process could bring back multiple tests whether or not we learned the lessons. Even if you overcame your obstacles, it may take another visit in a different form to see how sharp is your awareness. It is not easy, but you can seek the guidance from Archangel Michael, Archangel Melchizedek, Archangel Metatron, and Jesus. 
Keep your head up. Things are not as bad as it may seems for the first time. If you were working on yourself and your issues over the year, you have nothing to be afraid of. All you need is to trust yourself and your abilities, so you will recognize when and where you need to focus or still change for that matter. Know your worth and keep the balance. When you are treated unfairly, it is time to stand up for yourself. If you gave up on something too easily, it might come back to you as another opportunity this month. In case, you have been lying to yourself and been living a fantasy scenario, the universe might 'lift up the curtains' for you symbolically speaking. 

It has been a difficult year (again), but the power to change is always with us. Determination is a powerful tool to have, if you know how to use. While in some part of our lives we need to keep on going, in another we need to learn to let go. Balancing these two is challenging, but it is possible to learn.

Until next time:



Energy Reading via Tarot For November 2021


Crain - Hope For The Journey Ahead

Crains are simple formations, used as landmarks to guide travellers along a path or to mark a sacred place. (...) They offer guidance for those wandering life's path. To stumble upon a crain is to know you aren't alone alone, that someone has traversed the same terrain you now find yourself on. 
- Source: Awaken -

As we passed through October, you may have experienced a little bit of confusion. You may have asked yourself: 

What should I do next?
Where does this journey take me? 
What should I choose? 
Where should I go? 

In the month of October generally, we were all effected by a powerful energy that pushed us into certain directions. This assertive force was meant to move us out of our comfort zone and realize in which part of our life we need to change direction. You may have found yourself making minor or major decisions. In the month of October, you may have experienced difficult situations that forced you to understand your need of transformation. 
Not making a choice is a decision as well. Regardless of your verdict on the situation, you had the opportunity to find your determination, a chance to do something differently. So, here we are in November. 
We are learning to walk on a new ground with seemingly no direction or whatsoever. Be aware of your false image of being alone. Your ego may play tricks on you to regret your choice and try to push back into your 'good-old' habits. If such thing happens, you need to remember why you wanted the change in the first place. 
This month your mind is at work. Stay present and be mindful of  your thoughts, as it is easy to tip off the road. If you have travel related plans, you may experience delays or some disruption as well. 
IF - and only if - you manage to keep your focus, you could regain your balance and continue your journey on this new terrain. It could give you back your long gone ( or so you believed ) hope. Progress may appear in certain aspects of your life. You may begin taking back your control and start navigating your life again. 

Remember that the job is not done yet. There is still a lot to do and to work on to be at where you wish to be. There might be further difficulties on the road, but the chance of success is there as well. All you need is to find a proper determination. 

Let go of the control


Although, I'm a bit late. Here is the energy reading of week number 32. Let's see what we have here:
                                 • YINQUEEN OF COINSTWO OF WANDS
This week feminine energies are on the rise whether or not you have difficulties with connecting to your inner feminine energies. Every single one of us has feminine energies regardless of our gender or how we identify. Feminine energies are usually passive and gentle. It is connected to our intuition, our emotions and our connections  to it. This list is not even close covering what these energies truly represent. In this reading on the other hand, it wants us to let go of control for now. Let yourself be in the moment without wanting to control everything and everybody in your life. You've done so much and worked so hard (as previously shown in week 31 by XX.Judgement). Let others take the lead right now. This could be either physical, metaphysical or astral. 
You need to let yourself be in the moment and lay back a little. However, you need to learn how to connect with your emotions, your inner feminine, your divine self. So it is time to put your focus back to yourself and see what the Higher Realm has shown you last week. Last week some had the chance to see the darkness within, while others got a chance to enjoy their victories. 
This week the job continues by helping us to see where we are dominant and stubborn. We want to take control over all aspects of our lives. We believe if we can oversee everything, we must be able to determine and control what happens to us. Unfortunately, this is not the case. We will never have that much power nor will we able to predict it. What we need is a new approach. This is where our feminine energies come to the picture. It is time to invite them into our lives this week and let others take a lead for now. We need to learn how to LET GO OF CONTROL. 
This week is showing a lot of opportunities to choose from. Something new can come into your life. This can happen physically as well as emotionally. Maybe you got a long awaited job opportunity, a love letter, a confession. Maybe you will meet someone new. Maybe you will feel something you have never before or you have never thought you will feel it again. Maybe this week you finally realize something you couldn't wrap you head around lately.  All in all this week is all about femininity, letting others to lead and new opportunities. 

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